General enquiries & booking 01473 807070 


Mental Health Transport booking 01473 805400

A High Dependency Unit (HDU) ambulance along side a Patient Transport Service (PTS) ambulance outside the Royal Papworth Hospital in Cambridge

Experienced Provider

We provide our patient transport service (PTS) to a wide range of both private and public clients including; NHS Trusts, nursing homes, local authorities, care homes, hospitals, and more!

Our patient transport staff are incredibly passionate, and have experience providing the very best care to loved ones around the country.

Highly Accessible

Our specialist fleet of ambulances allows us to support every patient with their individual requirements and needs.

Stretchers – Our ambulances can support those patients that are bed-bound, or perhaps need a little extra help with their mobility.

Wheelchairs – We have plenty of space for wheelchairs in our ambulances, patients can remain in their wheelchairs, or can be assisted transferring out. We can accommodate most wheelchairs, including electric.

Bariatric – On our ambulances we can support bariatric patients using our specialist bariatric stretchers, and can even accommodate for bariatric wheelchairs too!

A pair of new EAMC emergency ambulances

High Dependency Unit

For patients that require specialist care from trained professionals, we have dedicated blue-light capable ambulances with advanced patient monitoring equipment to accommodate all patient needs.

We can provide registered healthcare professionals, such as HCPC Paramedics, and NMC Nurses & Midwives. This also includes all of their advanced medications and controlled drugs to fully perform their duties.

Different locations can sometimes prove challenging when moving patients, which is why our ambulances come equipped with additional manual handling kit to tackle any challenge.